Make moves while you still can. No one knows what lies ahead in life. We are all guaranteed only one thing and that is death. I say this because people restrict themselves and create invisible boundaries to keep them from doing certain things in life. But one day you may not be able to do what was offered yesterday. Some with good health and hearts still become victims of tragedy. I heard a story of a 30 year old woman who is now suffering from a brain tumor. She is college educated with a great career but this illness appeared out of nowhere. She is currently living in a medical facility with hospice. She is getting thinner by the day currently weighing 98lbs. with 6 months to live. Her intelligence hasn't vanished but her ability to keep up with her surroundings is making day to day life difficult. Another story is of an African -American woman who just turned fifty by the grace of God. Last year this Christian woman suffered from a minor stroke. Her health is strong, she doesn't drink, smoke and is one of God's faithful saints.
The point of this blog is to live your life and enjoy every minute of it. You never know when your time on Earth may become more difficult or end. I'm not trying to make anyone cry or have regrets, just make the most of what you have!
Desperate Housewives

This blog entry isn't about the TV show, but is inspired by it. The women on the show go to desperate measures to keep a happy home. They sneak, cheat and manipulate to get what they want and to prevent others from getting. Are these characteristics of women in general or women trying to keep a family? I thought of a few questions or family situations that seem common these days.
1. Are you continuously calling a man who still doesn't have your number saved?
2. Did you have his baby, just to keep him around?
3. Is he always asking for something: money, material things, sex and etc.?
4. Are you putting up with his B.S. because you think he will eventually change?
5. Are you blowing up his phone every night because he can't make it home before midnight?
6. Is your only alone time: when your intimate or about to go to bed?
7. Do you only see him at night?
8. Do you know there is another woman but don't care?
9. Is he "nice" in public but "mean" in private? or vice-verse
10. Are you involved with a man who seems gay but claims he's straight?
11. Do you always have to schedule the dates, pick him up, and pay?
12. Did you have his baby and he still doesn't give a damn about you, but you still love him?
13. Does he control your money, what you wear and where you go?
14. Has he cheated on you multiple times and you're still with him?
15. Do you have to check his text, email or call records regularly?
This list can go on and on but I have other things to do. Ladies if you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, I'm gonna need you to re-evaluate your relationship and yourself. You deserve better and he knows it too. A relationship does include compromise, but don't do it if it hurts you and makes you seem desperate to keep that man!
Feel free to comment and add more situations to the list!!
Was the kid really his son?

Now I will admit that I read entertainment blogs, websites and will take a glimpse at the National Enquirer while standing in the grocery line, to get the gossip. And I can usually seperate the real from the fake, but not this time. Word on the street is MJ has an older son, Omer Bhatti. The source isn't the most credible but he is family. Mr. Joe "shut up and dance" Jackson, gave an unpaid interview admitting Omer Bhatti, as his grandson. Omer Bhatti (25), was sitting alongside the family at the memorial.

What is a Friend?
A listener when you want to talk without interruption.
A shoulder to lean on when you lose your balance.
A helping hand when your two need extra support.
A third eye when you tend to go blind and can't see the obvious.
A cheerleader when no one else is a fan of or understands anything you do.
A devil's advocate to make sure you know what lies on both sides of the fence.
A brother or sister to be there throughout your journey of life.
These are few things I try to be to my friends and hope they will do the same for me. I don't believe I'm asking for too much. If my friends don't fall into at least one of these descriptions, I may question why they're in my life. You may feel otherwise but don't forget this is my blog.
A shoulder to lean on when you lose your balance.
A helping hand when your two need extra support.
A third eye when you tend to go blind and can't see the obvious.
A cheerleader when no one else is a fan of or understands anything you do.
A devil's advocate to make sure you know what lies on both sides of the fence.
A brother or sister to be there throughout your journey of life.
These are few things I try to be to my friends and hope they will do the same for me. I don't believe I'm asking for too much. If my friends don't fall into at least one of these descriptions, I may question why they're in my life. You may feel otherwise but don't forget this is my blog.
Reality Bites

I Love Money 2 is full of haters. My boy Buddha (Ezra Masters) was kicked off last night. Almost the entire cast was against him the whole season. The dudes were threatened by his masculinity and the women felt he was a manipulator. Personally I only watched this season for him. Baby is fine!!! I love to see a man being a man. He always stood up for himself even when he was on I Love New York. He knew she was a drama queen and he wasn't having all that B.S. He does have the tendency to get aggressive or violent but as long as he isn't hitting a woman (i.e. Chris Brown) he's alright with me.

I hope Buddha seeks his revenge on the reunion or on another upcoming reality show.
Hook-Up Culture

The act of "hooking up" is a young adult phase. As the students begin to mature and age they will leave this culture. Sex is supposed to be a sacred exchange of love between two people that care for each other. The students involved don't understand and will soon regret what they have done. They believe it is harmless and if two consenting adults agree but there is more to it.

It is unfortunate that these men and women give their body's do freely. The next day the guy may wake up with no regrets but the girl has to feel a little ashamed. The female basically let him have the milk without buying the cow. I personally couldn't be put in that position. I would want more for myself because I deserve better.

I understand everyone has personal needs but there is a safer way to go about it. Many of the students who "hook up" probably "hook up" with multiple partners. This helps the STD count increase around campus. Some "hook up" with complete strangers and know nothing about the other person. You should at least get to know the person by going on a few dates first. Jumping directly into bed because you were horny is a silly and possibly deadly mistake.

College students are in transition from childhood to adulthood and will fail a few tests in life. But this test can do more harm than good. The one night of pleasure can bring a long term feeling of pain. "Hooking up" is a temporary way of life and they will soon learn why.
Leave Michelle Alone!

The Inauguration was a beautiful day in history but the media had to say something negative. I dislike the attack on Michelle Obama’s wardrobe. The media is known for expressing their feelings on who’s hot and whose not, but when will it end?
Michelle Obama is showing the world that you don’t have to be high maintenance and wear expensive clothing all the time. Michelle has come from an American family with high morals and values. She probably grew up with items that she needed, not wanted. Her parents most likely instilled values to not over do it, if it wasn’t necessary. The less you spend the more you will have.

If she wore expensive clothing the media would wonder where the money came from. The media picked at Palin, McCain and is wife for wearing designer suits and paying over $150,000 for clothing. Everyone wondered why he or she paid so much and continued to flash their money around. So pretty much, the media will always have something to say regardless of the situation.

I defend First Lady Michelle Obama because she is a nice, kindhearted woman who has done no harm to anyone. The media needs to acknowledge her attitude towards fashion. Many of her outfits are from young, American designers who aren’t well known. She is displaying their designs for all of America as well as other countries to see. First Lady is also showing America you can still be classy, presentable, and affordable in this time of crisis. She is a role model now and I believe she’s off to a great start.
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