The Inauguration was a beautiful day in history but the media had to say something negative. I dislike the attack on Michelle Obama’s wardrobe. The media is known for expressing their feelings on who’s hot and whose not, but when will it end?
Michelle Obama is showing the world that you don’t have to be high maintenance and wear expensive clothing all the time. Michelle has come from an American family with high morals and values. She probably grew up with items that she needed, not wanted. Her parents most likely instilled values to not over do it, if it wasn’t necessary. The less you spend the more you will have.

If she wore expensive clothing the media would wonder where the money came from. The media picked at Palin, McCain and is wife for wearing designer suits and paying over $150,000 for clothing. Everyone wondered why he or she paid so much and continued to flash their money around. So pretty much, the media will always have something to say regardless of the situation.

I defend First Lady Michelle Obama because she is a nice, kindhearted woman who has done no harm to anyone. The media needs to acknowledge her attitude towards fashion. Many of her outfits are from young, American designers who aren’t well known. She is displaying their designs for all of America as well as other countries to see. First Lady is also showing America you can still be classy, presentable, and affordable in this time of crisis. She is a role model now and I believe she’s off to a great start.
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