Now I will admit that I read entertainment blogs, websites and will take a glimpse at the National Enquirer while standing in the grocery line, to get the gossip. And I can usually seperate the real from the fake, but not this time. Word on the street is MJ has an older son, Omer Bhatti. The source isn't the most credible but he is family. Mr.
Joe "shut up and dance" Jackson, gave an unpaid interview admitting Omer Bhatti, as his grandson. Omer Bhatti (25), was sitting alongside the family at the memorial.

And after I googled him, I'm thinking he might be the real deal! Now MJ's other kids don't favor him or any other family members. We can stare at his kids while having 20/20 vision with a microscope and see no resemblance. And the Jackson's have dominant features including high cheek bones, small noses(some organic others artificial), and deep round eyes. A family resemblance should show up somewhere. If not in the features,then the skin color. This cat Omer, is the hispanic version of a before or after surgery, Jackson.

Omer says he met MJ on tour when he was a child and ever since they hung out. This may be true and MJ being his father could be also. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. This could be the story behind "Billie Jean," we'll find out soon from the DNA test. Omer is requesting to know the truth. I'm hoping it's true, because the media said he can dance and perform just like daddy! That'll be news to Kanye, since he's trying to take the "
King of Pop" title. He is now certified crazy, but that's another story.
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