What does it take for a father to step up? Does the mother have to pass away or abandon the child for the man to step in?
Even if you can't see yourself with the female, why take it out on the baby? The phrase, "It ain't mine" is a sign of ignorance and immaturity. At least wait for a paternity test, before you deny the seed.

Leaving a child fatherless is usually the behavior of a fatherless man. You would think they would want a better life for their child, right? What isn't clicking here?
Children look up to their parents and idolize them. Imagine a young boy growing up with only his mother. How can she teach him to become a man? She can't because she is not a man. She can teach morals, values, manners and education to the child, but she can't teach him how to become a strong man, which is needed in our society.

Many men have multiple children by countless women and leave them behind. When will our men begin to act like the man God made them to be??

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