The Seahawks cornerback, Marcus Trufant, has married his longtime girlfriend, the mother of his first child, Jessica Rankin.

It's nice to see nature take it course and bring together two beautiful people.

Over 600 guests filled the Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle, WA on Saturday, March 29th. It rained off and on but the weather didn't stop them from exchanging vows.

Living in Seattle, I heard various rumors about their relationship but didn't believe them. Whatever happened in their relationship is in the past. How they united and became one, only God will know. The point is, he is hers and they are a family.

The female haters should be glad he married a sista! We all know athletes tend to dib and dabble outside their race.

I'm happy for the couple and wish them the best. Marcus is a down to earth brotha who has been blessed with a major talent. Jessica is pretty and together they made a beautiful daughter.

Let their union be filled with ever-lasting love and happiness. And sitting on $50 million can only make it better.....ok?
What a beautiful "story". If it were true. However, Jessica was NOT his longtime girlfriend. She happened to get pregnant the first week that they were having sex. She is a Renton HOODRAT who LIED saying she was on birth control, when she wasn't. Great come up for her. But please believe, she is portraying the healthy God first marriage, when in fact they both are taking Valtrax, both her children were scheduled c-sections to prevent blindness, and faithful is not a word he knows.
-Someone Who Knows....
Jessica is a distant cousin of mine that I don't know well. I do know that she and Marcus have two beautiful little girls and that Marcus is a humble and charitable individual. I say this to cancel out that nasty remark "Someone Who Knows" says. Jessica is beautiful and she can sing, she sang at our family reunion.
Take it from someone who really does "know" Marcus and Jessica truly are a Blessed couple and the great thing is they know where their Blessings come from. Instead of making straight up "EVIL" totally untrue comments, take a look at what you are doing and try and figure out "WHY" and "HOW" you could be so wrong.
Im In the 6th Grade. My Best Friend Name Is Gabriella Rankin , Her Auntie Married Marcus Trufant! Im Not Liing I Went Over To There House Its Huge!!! Me And Gabby Are Going To His Football Game On Sunday.I cant Wait To Go With Them!! Getting A Autograph Is AWSOME!
I know Marcus because we went to college together and he was one of my good friends.Marcus had a long time girlfriend which wasn't his current wife now. I believe her name was Nicole. Apparently in college, Marcus had quite a few FWB's and quite shocked that he could be like that towards his girlfriend Nicole. When i heard that he got married, i thought it was Nicole he married but turned out that it was Jessica. But all of the stuff that he had did back in college with all them females including myself, is all in the past. That was years ago. He is the most resepectable guy I know, very quiet, but someone you can rely on. I wish him the best and may he and Jessica have a wonderful life together. God bless him and his family.
I just need to let all of you haters know that the BS you are saying about Marcus and Jessica is ridiculous!! I happened to stumble on this website and after reading the comments that have been written it just shows how much people talk about situations they have NO idea about!! Jessica NEVER told Marcus she was on birth control and she DID NOT get pregnant the 1st week they started having sex! The accusations on here are almost funny due to the simple fact that non of them are anywhere close to the truth! Marcus and Jessica have been married for almost 2yrs so all you females that are STILL hating on Jessica need to get over it! They are happily married and Jessica is ABSOLUTLY not going anywhere....Marcus couldn't have found a more beautiful women inside and out. Jessica is all around an AMAZING women!
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