The Seahawks cornerback, Marcus Trufant, has married his longtime girlfriend, the mother of his first child, Jessica Rankin.

It's nice to see nature take it course and bring together two beautiful people.

Over 600 guests filled the Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle, WA on Saturday, March 29th. It rained off and on but the weather didn't stop them from exchanging vows.

Living in Seattle, I heard various rumors about their relationship but didn't believe them. Whatever happened in their relationship is in the past. How they united and became one, only God will know. The point is, he is hers and they are a family.

The female haters should be glad he married a sista! We all know athletes tend to dib and dabble outside their race.

I'm happy for the couple and wish them the best. Marcus is a down to earth brotha who has been blessed with a major talent. Jessica is pretty and together they made a beautiful daughter.

Let their union be filled with ever-lasting love and happiness. And sitting on $50 million can only make it better.....ok?