The act of "hooking up" is a young adult phase. As the students begin to mature and age they will leave this culture. Sex is supposed to be a sacred exchange of love between two people that care for each other. The students involved don't understand and will soon regret what they have done. They believe it is harmless and if two consenting adults agree but there is more to it.

It is unfortunate that these men and women give their body's do freely. The next day the guy may wake up with no regrets but the girl has to feel a little ashamed. The female basically let him have the milk without buying the cow. I personally couldn't be put in that position. I would want more for myself because I deserve better.

I understand everyone has personal needs but there is a safer way to go about it. Many of the students who "hook up" probably "hook up" with multiple partners. This helps the STD count increase around campus. Some "hook up" with complete strangers and know nothing about the other person. You should at least get to know the person by going on a few dates first. Jumping directly into bed because you were horny is a silly and possibly deadly mistake.

College students are in transition from childhood to adulthood and will fail a few tests in life. But this test can do more harm than good. The one night of pleasure can bring a long term feeling of pain. "Hooking up" is a temporary way of life and they will soon learn why.