The conflict at the Grammy's 08' was overhyped and exaggerated. The media had a field day after Rihanna and Jay won ,The Rap/Sung Award for "Umbrella." At first the rumor sounded believable, but the video changed my mind. I believe the two of them were excited about the win. This is my play-by-play! They embraced eachother and then it appears that Jay-Z didn't want to go on stage. Rihanna grabbed his wrist and drug him to the stage anyway. Jay-Z doesn't put up a fight and walks to the stage. He gently shakes Rihanna's hand loose and she reacts.

It's a business relationship, mentor and artist. If anything went on, it has passed. The good girl gone bad creates fabulous music but Beyonce' has the whole biz sewed up like freshly hemmed dress slacks. Beyonce' is the real "Queen B." Both artist are beautiful and talented young ladies. But let's keep it Real .....Mr. Jay-Z has already conquered his plan A and I don't think he'll let Ri- Ri ruin his Plan B.

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