Most women long for their prince charming at some point in their life. He may be right in front of you, not perfect but you love them anyway. But some men are far from perfect and you turn the other cheek at their bad habits, just to be in a relationship. Don't overlook the obvious to avoid being single.
If it doesn't feel right it isn't. Cold feet is one thing but a gut feeling is as real as it gets. For example: If you bump heads on everything that isn't a coincidence. You can't agree on anything, face it. You two see life thru different lens. Kim Kardashian is a clear example. In a letter to her fans, she admitted things weren't right but continued with the marriage. Opposites do attract but some personalities do not go well together.
If he's not relationship material here are a few signs. Every time you meet, it's at night or at his place. Unless he's a vampire this shouldn't be acceptable. He should want the world to see you, if you're important to him. And I hope you have meet at least two friends/family members or else you have a problem. Your relationship is a secret, which means he has something to hide. Another one is avoiding labels. Here's a scenario: you've went on multiple dates and have spent countless hours together.

But when "Where is this going?" comes up, he says "I want to take things slow. I'm not in any hurry to settle down. We should get to know each other more before we discuss the future." If you're patient and he has potential, wait awhile longer. But don't limit yourself to only him. Some women think they can change his mind and choose to ignore those statements. And they also end up hurt because they gave their all to man who gave a little.
If he's not as manly as you want him to be. I hope you heard the story about Terry McMillian and her ex- husband. "How Stella Got Her Groove Back," was the sweet fantasy of how she saw things. But the sour reality was a deal- breaker.

If you always hear about another chick, there is one. Maybe at the beginning of the relationship you heard about a few women. They could be recent ex girlfriends or bm's. The rumor should phase out eventually. But if you keep hearing new rumors that match up to days and times you're not together, this needs further investigation. Play your cards right and get the facts, because they can't all be rumors. Haters do put in overtime but don't ignore everything, especially if you don't know his everyday whereabouts.

Wise up and don't set yourself up for failure, if you see something fishy. Time will always tell but you can save time by paying more attention to the obvious.